Businesses use email marketing to grow their list of subscribers and build relationships with them by providing free, valuable information and exclusive content. Once trust has been established, they will pitch relevant offers.
If you’re not actively engaging your customers through email, here are some guidelines to get you started:
DO Grow Your List by Offering a Lead Magnet
There are many ways to grow your email list, but the best method is to offer a lead magnet. This is a free piece of content, usually an information product, that people can download in exchange for their name and email address.
You can also promote your list on social media profiles, on your blog, and anywhere else you have contact with your target market.
DON’T Buy an Email List
No matter how huge the list or how engaged the seller says its subscribers are, don’t ever buy an email list. If you don’t grow your list organically, they won’t be motivated and primed to buy. You also run the risk of spamming.
DO Work on Your Subject Lines
The subject line is all-important in email marketing. Each subscriber’s inbox is full of ads and messages. Yours needs to stand out from the rest. Since the subject line solely determines whether people will open the message or not, spend some time making it effective and unique.
DON’T Send Awful Messages
Each of your messages should offer something valuable to the reader. Make them easy to read by breaking up text into short paragraphs. Make sure they’re error-free. Imagine that each message is the first communication you have with your audience and try to create a great first impression.
DO Research Your Competitors
Sign up for your competitors’ lists, and the lists of other businesses, so you can see how they engage their audience. You can get ideas for your own content and promotions, as well as figure out gaps in the market that you can fill.
DON’T Send the Same Message to Everyone
Your email autoresponder program can help you segment your list and communicate strategically. Not every subscriber on your list will find the same emails interesting. Gather data about them and send the right email, to the right person, at the right time.
DO Test Your Emails
Every market and every list is different. Refine your email marketing by testing every aspect, including subject lines, headers, images and image placement, calls to action, and so on. This will help you find out exactly what works based on objective feedback.
DON’T Over-Promote
Your list will help you sell more. You can offer deals only available to your subscribers through your email marketing. But most of your messages should be informational, not promotional. If you over-promote, people will tune out and ignore your messages.
DO Get Started Now
Email marketing is highly effective. It offers a more personal way to interact with customers versus social media and other methods. Your competitors are already engaging your target market through email, so you need to be there too.
Want to learn more about how you can sell more through email marketing? Head over here: